
吴亦凡事件再生波澜,牵扯人数达11人,一己之力降低声明公信力 Wu Yifan's incident has generated waves, involving 11 people. His own efforts have reduced the credibility of the statement

《千古玦尘》之后,又有3部古装剧来袭,任嘉伦成毅令人期待! After the eternal Jue dust, there are three ancient costume dramas. Ren Jialun and Cheng Yi are expected!

#任嘉伦三次相同的转身,嘉伦的微表情眼神转换尽显角色气质,剧粉满足了#娱乐热榜 你觉的呢 你认可小编的说法么。欢迎留言订阅小编

任嘉伦跟迪丽热巴的新剧《驭鲛记之与君初相识》终于杀青啦! Ren Jialun and Dili Reba's new play "the story of controlling mackerel: meeting you at the beginning of your life" is finally finished!

明星应不应该蹭奥运热度?太应该了,特别是黄晓明和任嘉伦 Should stars rub the Olympic heat? It should be, especially Huang Xiaoming and Ren Jialun

《长安如故》预约人数猛涨,任嘉伦将成为八月最受期待的演员 The number of bookings for Chang'an as it is soared, and Ren Jialun will become the most anticipated actor in August