
春晚谢幕赵丽颖请客。唯独没有任嘉伦和朱一龙怎么回事 他更新微感谢春晚都说了啥 The Spring Festival Gala curtain call Zhao Liying treats guests. The only thing that happened without Ren Jialun and Zhu Yilong?

盘点任嘉伦的圣诞节发的微博都说了啥 见证了任嘉伦的演绎路程 Counting Ren Jialun’s Weibo on Christmas, what he said, witnessing Ren Jialun’s interpretation journey

任嘉伦微博动态与任嘉伦代言欧米伽手表相关的视频与图片集。A collection of videos and pictures related to Ren Jialun’s Weibo dynamics and Ren Jialun’s endorsement of Omega watches