
春晚谢幕赵丽颖请客。唯独没有任嘉伦和朱一龙怎么回事 他更新微感谢春晚都说了啥 The Spring Festival Gala curtain call Zhao Liying treats guests. The only thing that happened without Ren Jialun and Zhu Yilong?

任嘉伦为何称为机灵鬼 他将与周生辰隔空会面 百元外套获赞 Why is Ren Jialun called a smart ghost? He will meet with Zhou Shengchen across the air, and the 100 yuan jacket is praised

任嘉伦春晚换节目 一身黑加红色搭配喜庆十足。任嘉伦老婆做经纪人了 Ren Jialun changed the show for the Spring Festival Gala, dressed in black and red with a festive look. Ren Jialun's wife is an agent

任嘉伦合作彭小冉 为啥说收视稳了。有何缘由 Why did Ren Jialun cooperate with Peng Xiaoran to say that the ratings are stable. What is the reason?

参加第三次春晚排练。盘点三个爱豆。任嘉伦张艺兴 赵丽颖 你最喜欢哪个Participate in the third Spring Festival Gala rehearsal. Inventory three idols. Ren Jialun, Zhang Yixing, Zhao Liying, which one do you like best?

任嘉伦为什么被称为被遗忘的爱豆。它小v脸抢镜头啦 ? Why is Ren Jialun called the forgotten idol. Its small v face grabs the camera?

任嘉伦到北京照片曝光。他被叫叔叔。任嘉伦被萌到了 这都是怎么回事呢Ren Jialun's photo exposure in Beijing. He was called Uncle. Ren Jialun is so cute, what's going on?