
任嘉伦为何现实版的陆绎?嘉伦带着个她参加好友聚会,为什么好甜?她是谁?@娱乐热榜 Why is Ren Jialun the real version of Lu Yi? Karen took her to a friend's party, why is it so sweet? who is she? @Entertainment Hot List

任嘉伦视频直播为了宠粉丝答应粉丝要求去了新加坡吃了肉骨茶 它都说了啥 Ren Jialun went to Singapore to eat Bak Kut Teh in order to spoil the fans and promised the fans’ request. What did it say?

任嘉伦海外海报宣传海报 Ren Jialun Overseas Poster Promotional Poster

任嘉伦请君路透雪地照片能凸显出任嘉伦演技的动态图 Ren Jialun invites you to Reuters snow photos can highlight the dynamic picture of Ren Jialun's acting

锦衣之下任嘉伦壁纸 要溺死在陆大人的眼神里了 Ren Jialun's wallpaper is about to drown in Lord Lu's eyes

每次工作压力大的时候就来看看国超这段聊天。看看任嘉伦怎么看带压力的 Every time I feel stressful at work, I come to this chat in the Super League. See what Ren Jialun thinks of stressful

黑子老师直播间夸赞任嘉伦看看都说了啥 Teacher Heizi praised Ren Jialun in the live broadcast. See what he said

任嘉伦连麦小姐姐!她说出了家人们的心声!她都说了啥让任嘉伦乐开花,看看任嘉伦怎么说 Miss Ren Jialun Lian Mai! She said what the family said! What she said made Ren Jialun happy to blossom, let’s see what Ren Jialun said

任嘉伦呼吁爱护小动物 Ren Jialun calls for the love of small animals

任嘉伦微博双11你在购物车里遇到了谁# 是我吗~[酷]那你一定发现了藏在我购物车里的惊喜,想知道里面都有什么?Ren Jialun on Weibo Double 11, who did you meet in your shopping cart? Is it me? [Cool] Then you must have found the surprise hidden in my shopping cart. Want to know what's in it?

如果你真的了解过他,就很难不喜欢他-----这个视频记录了任嘉伦的成长的点点滴滴快来看看吧 If you really know him, it’s hard not to like him-----This video records the growth of Ren Jialun. Come and see it.