
Ren Jialun's white shirt is too bright? Is it because of the delay in "Twilight Heart Appointment"?任嘉伦白色衬衣太艳了?《暮色心约》迟迟不官宣竟是因为这个?

What is the difference between Ren Jialun's new drama and the previous style? Why do jia people have to chase after overtime?任嘉伦新剧与以往风格有啥大不一样?嘉人们为何加班也要追?

任嘉伦为何称为机灵鬼 他将与周生辰隔空会面 百元外套获赞 Why is Ren Jialun called a smart ghost? He will meet with Zhou Shengchen across the air, and the 100 yuan jacket is praised

恭喜任嘉伦获得泰国最受欢迎的中国艺人,暮色心约任嘉伦杨颖逛集市,|网友有烟火气|任嘉伦解读祁连山都说了。Congratulations to Ren Jialun for winning the most popular Chinese artist in Thailand. Twilight invited Ren Jialun and Yang Ying to go to the market.

盘点任嘉伦的圣诞节发的微博都说了啥 见证了任嘉伦的演绎路程 Counting Ren Jialun’s Weibo on Christmas, what he said, witnessing Ren Jialun’s interpretation journey

任嘉伦红配绿造型与李沁请君白衣异域风造型路透。 Ren Jialun's red and green styling and Li Qin invites you to white exotic styling Reuters