
任嘉伦,杨颖开工《暮色心约》满园春色?怎么回事?嘉伦或出演自己的第一部电影?Ren Jialun and Yang Ying started work on "Twilight Heart Covenant" full of spring in the garden? what happened? Karen or star in her first movie?

黄晓明杨颖今日离婚。嘉人们为什么她说被利用?Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying divorced today. Why did jia people say she was used?

任嘉伦参加一年又一年都说了啥 及本期视频的的中英视频简介。Ren Jialun participated in the Chinese-English video introduction of what has been said year after year and this video.

恭喜任嘉伦获得泰国最受欢迎的中国艺人,暮色心约任嘉伦杨颖逛集市,|网友有烟火气|任嘉伦解读祁连山都说了。Congratulations to Ren Jialun for winning the most popular Chinese artist in Thailand. Twilight invited Ren Jialun and Yang Ying to go to the market.

任嘉伦暮色心约开拍路透 与任嘉伦也太帅了,穿西装还系蝴蝶结,粉丝看了都尖叫. Ren Jialun made an appointment to shoot Reuters in Twilight