《长安如故》预约人数猛涨,任嘉伦将成为八月最受期待的演员 The number of bookings for Chang'an as it is soared, and Ren Jialun will become the most anticipated actor in August

In the first half of the year, Ren Jialun launched two TV series Miss crow and Mr. lizard. His examination results were very good, which made people see his anti drama as a male host.


With the removal of two modern dramas, the total inventory of his upcoming dramas is gradually emergency. He is still asking for leave and has no information to enter the working group. Although there are rumors in the sales market that he will cooperate with so and so artists to make an IP play, this is all rumors and has not been certified on the official website.


An artist is an unpredictable post. He will retire before he leaves. If there is no continuous output of works, they will be quickly forgotten by the audience. However, the difference is that seamless splicing into the group will consume their own spirit, do not deposit, do not learn, only invest, which is not very good for the situation and performance.


Ren Jialun chose a holiday to vent himself. It seems to be very damaging. In fact, it is for better and stronger development. People are not steel. The human body is the cost of reform. Only good conditions can produce good works.


Secondly, now he has the right to choose the Taiwan version handed over to him. He chooses carefully in order to better plan his work as a whole.


Moreover, the audience are also looking forward to his upcoming play Chang'an as before. So far, the market competition is not particularly fierce in the summer of 2021. Many highly valued plays can not be released smoothly for various reasons.


And August has become the last hope. Once the summer vacation is over, it will enter the light and peak season. Under such circumstances, Chang'an as before is obviously very promising.

虽然高管们都还没得出准确的开播,但任嘉伦作为一个达标的瓜主,早就表露了许多 信息。当《不说再见》完毕后,出文暗示着,这一月将迈入谁?你需要迎来谁?

Although executives have not yet come up with an accurate broadcast, Ren Jialun, as a melon owner who meets the standard, has long revealed a lot of information. When "don't say goodbye" is finished, the article implies who will enter this month? Who do you need?


Such hints suggest that the answer is obvious. Of course, what the audience most want is the born little Nanchen king. After watching two modern dramas of Ren Jialun, I can't help but change the taste and experience the style of his ancient costume dramas.


He plays an extraordinary character in costume TV dramas. He can not only afford Mo Qing's jade, but also Gongji's unparalleled. He also has a full grasp of the atmosphere of costume drama and laughs it off.


After Ren Jialun himself hinted at the end, the total number of reservations on the service platform of this 30 episode super idol costume drama "Chang'an as before" has soared, reaching more than 1.96 million people so far, and the total number of reservations for this TV series, such as the total number of reservations, should not be easy and poor in the opening examination. On the other hand, it can also be seen that Ren Jialun's drama performance is indeed deeply hoped by the audience.


The young man is famous for his military achievements, but he still stays at home. Every apprentice and soldier's little Nanchen king can't chat with his disciples, but he is happy at best. The taboo love of teachers and students in the play can't be loved, hated and forgotten, and finally ends with hatred at the same time.


There are a lot of reservations in the play. Another reason is that the plot is contradictory and changeable. Just watching the Trailer Trailer, the differences of the small story are very noticeable. It's important that there is an impulse to watch the play.


For the summer movie in August, Ren Jialun must be far ahead at this stage. In the final analysis, artists supported by works are full of confidence.


I only hope that "Chang'an as before" will live up to the expectations of the audience, release and broadcast as soon as possible, seize the excellent opportunity of summer films, and make good publicity and planning.
