任嘉伦为何现实版的陆绎?嘉伦带着个她参加好友聚会,为什么好甜?她是谁?@娱乐热榜 Why is Ren Jialun the real version of Lu Yi? Karen took her to a friend's party, why is it so sweet? who is she? @Entertainment Hot List

 Ren Jialun's walking demeanor and temperament while filming "Twilight Heart Date" was set for Ren Jialun three or four months ago. It was his cake from the beginning. After watching Guochao's interviews and live broadcasts, you will understand that he likes this script very much, because 

This role can give him a lot of room to play. Ren Jialun now basically has modern dramas and costume dramas in stock, and judging from his past performance, his performance is also very good, especially this year's "Zhou Sheng Ruo" and the baby drama Reuters is also a good match. Then there is "Worry-free crossing" male director Jialun has signed a contract, and the female protagonist is likely to be Li Yitong. . In fact, in addition to filming, Ren Jialun also brought his wife to a party. Ren Jialun is a male artist with good reputation, good acting skills, and zero scandals. Recently, netizens posted photos of Ren Jialun taking his wife Nie Huan to a party with friends, saying that Ren Jialun was partying with friends recently. 

They all took Sister Huan out, and she felt very happy. In the photo, Ren Jialun sits side by side with his wife Nie Huan. Both of them are wearing white long-sleeved T-shirts and proper couple outfits. They look so sweet. Nie Huan has long hair and a shawl and has a good temperament. Look, this is the packaged food, and it's good to have less dinner parties now. Both Ren Jialun and Nie Huan appeared sideways. They both have tall nose bridges, so they look like husband and wife. Although Nie Huan is now the woman behind Ren Jialun, she is not an outsider. At the time of the fire, the two were in the same drama. The two were acquainted with Ren Jialun's past party photos with friends. Nie Huan's appearance rate was very high. It can be seen that no matter before or after he became famous, Ren Jialun likes to take pictures with him. During Nie Huan's party, his attitude towards her has always been the same, and he will not change because of his fame. 

Nie Huan is really lucky to have a single-minded man like Ren Jialun. It is also rare to see the same frame photo of Ren Jialun and his wife after marriage. The last time the couple was photographed in the same frame, it was the picture of Ren Jialun incarnate as a driver and taking Nie Huan and his girlfriend to the mall for shopping. Ren Jialun had a job that day, and the work was over Just accompany my wife, such a good husband is hard to find with a lantern. 

He is handsome and considerate. As a traffic artist, he has no scandals. He really has all the advantages in one. In the editor's opinion, the editor discovered the archaeological Ren Jialun, and found that he is the real version of Lu Yi. He is dedicated and affectionate, and works so hard. Ren Jialun, who worked hard at the New Dance Forest Conference, pokes me, that is, 

he gave me confidence and let me I came out. Ren Jialun is a high-quality idol with positive energy! Wish them happiness forever!

任嘉伦拍戏走路仪态还有气质  《暮色心约》这个剧三四个月前就定了任嘉伦了,一开始就是他的饼,看国超的采访和直播就会明白,他很喜欢这个剧本,因为这个角色可以让他有很大的发挥空间  任嘉伦现在现代剧和古装剧基本都有存货,而且从过去的成绩来看他的表现也挺好,尤其今年的《周生如故》和baby那部剧路透也挺般配的。然后还有《无忧渡》男主任嘉伦已经签约,女主大概率是李一桐。。

  其实任嘉伦除了拍戏还带着老婆曾将参加过聚会,任嘉伦口碑好、演技好,又零绯闻的男艺人,近日网友晒出任嘉伦带妻子聂欢跟好友聚会的照片,称任嘉伦近日跟朋友聚会都带着欢姐出门,感觉欢姐好幸福。  照片中,任嘉伦跟妻子聂欢坐并排,两人都穿着白色长袖T恤,妥妥的情侣装,看起来好甜,聂欢长发披肩,气质很好,从桌子上快餐盒、饮料来看,这是打包回来的食物,现下少在外聚餐也挺好。  

任嘉伦跟聂欢都是侧颜出镜,两人都有着高挺的鼻梁,好有夫妻相,聂欢虽然现在是任嘉伦背后的女人,但她不算圈外人,曾经也是演员,在任嘉伦还没有大火时,两人在同一部剧里跑龙套,两人算是相识于微时  从任嘉伦以往的跟好友的聚会照,聂欢出镜率很高,可见不管是成名前,还是成名后,任嘉伦都喜欢带着聂欢聚会,对她的态度始终如一,不会因为名气有改变,拥有任嘉伦这样专一的男人,聂欢真是好福气。 

 能看到任嘉伦婚后跟妻子的同框照,也是很难得,上次夫妻俩被拍到同框,还是任嘉伦化身司机带聂欢跟其闺蜜去商场购物的画面,任嘉伦当天有工作,工作结束就陪老婆,这样的好老公打着灯笼都难找吧,又帅又体贴,身为流量艺人,也没有绯闻,真是集所有优点于一身了。  在小编看来小编发现  考古任嘉伦,发现他就是现实版的陆绎,专一又长情,还那么努力,新舞林大会里努力的任嘉伦戳到我,就是他给了我信心,让我走出来了。任嘉伦就是正能量的优质偶像!祝他们夫妻俩永远幸福!
