恭喜任嘉伦获得泰国最受欢迎的中国艺人,暮色心约任嘉伦杨颖逛集市,|网友有烟火气|任嘉伦解读祁连山都说了。Congratulations to Ren Jialun for winning the most popular Chinese artist in Thailand. Twilight invited Ren Jialun and Yang Ying to go to the market.




不错,亚洲人民的审美眼光基本一致,哈哈哈!就任嘉伦这款帅哥,有精致的不胖不瘦的不用担心发腮的小脸,有浓密茂盛的头发不用担心秃顶和脱发也不用担心发际线的困扰,又有优秀的演技与优秀的代 表作品,谁能不爱呢?

任嘉伦Angelababy暮色心约同框路透. 任嘉伦暮色心约#电视剧《暮色心约》任嘉伦路透,任嘉伦去市场买菜了,好热闹哇






沉浸式剧本 轻喜剧 剧中剧 一人多个角色 身世背景有故事







Oops, friends from far away in Thailand actually like our Ren Jialun so much. Among the most popular Chinese artists in Thailand in 2021, Ren Jialun was the most popular and most popular in 1980-1989! Ren Jialun won the first place with 31.0%!

Yes, the aesthetic vision of Asian people is basically the same, hahaha! As a handsome guy like Jialun, he has a delicate face that is neither fat nor thin without worrying about hairy cheeks, has thick and lush hair, does not need to worry about baldness and hair loss, and does not have to worry about the troubles of the hairline, and has excellent acting skills and excellent acting skills. Representative works, who doesn't love it?

Ren Jialun Angelababy Twilight Heart Appointment Same Frame Reuters. Ren Jialun Twilight Heart Appointment# TV series "Twilight Heart Appointment" Ren Jialun Reuters, Ren Jialun went to the market to buy vegetables, so lively wow

On January 12, some netizens shared a set of photos on social platforms, with the caption: "Yang Ying and Ren Jialun filming "Twilight Heart Covenant" Reuters photos released, the scene of handsome men and beauties visiting the market together, both The smell of fireworks is also eye-catching." It caused a heated discussion among netizens.

It can be seen from the picture that Angelababy was wearing a knitted sweater and coat that day, and the makeup on her face was very delicate. In addition to filming with Ren Jialun, she occasionally chatted with the bosses of the vegetable market, and she looked in good condition.

Ren Jialun's twilight appointment to the vegetable market Reuters

Let's take a look at what Ren Jialun said about the Twilight Heart Appointment during the live broadcast [Love]

Interpretation of Ren Jialun's Qilian Mountains

Immersive script Light comedy Drama within a play One person with multiple characters Story of background

1️⃣We are preparing three or four months in advance, and it takes a lot of effort

2️⃣ Qi Lianshan is a screenwriter who will immersely perform his characters (equivalent to one person playing multiple roles)

3️⃣The roles played are all liked, wanted to try or never played

4️⃣ Twilight Heart Date is a light comedy

5️⃣Life background has a little story [meow]

Looking forward to Ren Jialun's Qilian Mountain~
