任嘉伦春晚换节目 一身黑加红色搭配喜庆十足。任嘉伦老婆做经纪人了 Ren Jialun changed the show for the Spring Festival Gala, dressed in black and red with a festive look. Ren Jialun's wife is an agent


Ren Jialun changes programs, his wife also acts as his agent

Preview of the 220128 Spring Festival Gala #ren Jialun2022 Year of the Tiger CCTV Spring Festival Gala Ren Jialun Allen wearing a fiery red jacket for a drunken boxing test will make the lineup officially announced during the Spring Festival Gala! The joy index has soared, and it is Ren Jialun who brings us surprises and happiness! Wearing his favorite bright red coat, Ren Jialun is full of energy and high-spirited. At first glance, he is a good young man of the new era with roots and seedlings! At the scene of "The Spring Festival Gala", Ren Jialun wore a black look with a red jacket, which was handsome and festive at the same time. In order to liven up the atmosphere, the host asked Ren Jialun to dance impromptuly with a piece of music. Ren Jialun, who did not want to be a dancer, also made trouble and stood in the same place with a confused face.

Some netizens say

This dress is beautiful, festive, and not expensive. I don't know if it's suitable for women. However, the flagship store on Taobao is out of stock. Karen's ability to carry goods is super strong.

Ren Jialun, who is dressed in black, is as handsome as ever, and enters the arena in a low-key manner accompanied by his assistant. Ren Jialun is a popular actor in recent years, showing many popular works, and is a new generation of ancient costume male gods. It's just that this time he participated in the Spring Festival Gala, the process was a bit tortuous, and he temporarily changed the program.

Previously, Ren Jialun was originally going to appear in a sketch, but finally changed to singing. In fact, Ren Jialun has always had a singer dream, and he will release a new album in 2021. Maybe he also wants to use the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to show his "singer strength" well.

Ren Jialun is now solely in charge of his wife's work, and his wife is also a part-time agent. When Ren Jialun works, his wife always follows him. Ren Jialun has a very good relationship with his wife, even though his wife has never shown up, she has helped him a lot behind the scenes over the years. Since Ren Jialun stopped taking Huanrui's self-made dramas, most of his film and television resources were negotiated by his wife. He is still working with Big Baby during this period of time. The filming of this drama is really annoying, and the moth never ends. Because of unexplainable reasons (it will be sprayed, so I will not say it), the shooting progress is extremely slow, and it must be half a month later than the expected completion time.

任嘉伦更换节目 老婆兼任他经纪人

220128 春晚进行时预告 #任嘉伦2022虎年央视春晚  任嘉伦Allen身穿火红色外套醉拳试的走位让人春晚进行时阵容官宣!欢乐指数飙升,是带给我们惊喜与快乐的任嘉伦啊!穿着最爱的大红色外套,任嘉伦精神百倍,神采飞扬,一看就是根正苗红的新时代好青年!在《春晚进行时》的现场,任嘉伦一身黑色look外搭红色外套,尽显帅气的同时又非常喜庆。为了活跃气氛,主持人让任嘉伦伴随一段音乐即兴跳舞,没成想身为舞者的任嘉伦也犯了难,站在原地一脸蒙圈。





