
任嘉伦一生一世12月30在安微卫视上星首播海报 Ren Jialun's life will be premiered on Anwei TV on December 30

任嘉伦时尚芭莎拍摄花絮+彩蛋重点在彩蛋果然如任国超说的那样:没吃饭啥都干不好。Ren Jialun's fashion bazaar filming tidbits + easter eggs The focus is on easter eggs, as Ren Guochao said: you can't do anything without eating.

任嘉伦对陈情令的理解;近日被问到任嘉伦是否会接类似于《陈情令》的新武侠,任嘉伦对于《陈情令》的理解是……Ren Jialun’s understanding of Chen Qingling; I was recently asked whether Ren Jialun would accept a new martial art similar to "Chen Qingling". Ren Jialun's understanding of "Chen Qingling" is...

任嘉伦最新拍摄照片看看你最喜欢那个 The latest photos taken by Ren Jialun and see which one you like best

某瓣网友盘点2021年国产剧人设天花板前十名排名,英文版介绍 |任嘉伦饰演的周生辰实至名归? A certain netizen counts the top ten rankings of domestic dramas set ceilings in 2021, the English version is introduced

国超励志文集与任嘉伦海报 National Super League Inspirational Collection and Ren Jialun Poster

任嘉伦、李沁《请君》路透,李沁手拿烟花,任嘉伦陪在身边,两人在桥边漫步还有灯笼相伴,好浪漫啊Ren Jialun and Li Qin "Please Your Lord" Reuters, Li Qin holds fireworks in hand, Ren Jialun is by his side, the two are walking along the bridge and accompanied by lanterns, so romantic

任嘉伦餐馆吃面,永远都不要停爱吃面的山东小伙子~大家觉得怎么样。Ren Jialun restaurant eats noodles, never stop the Shandong guy who loves noodles~ what do you think

任嘉伦视频直播为了宠粉丝答应粉丝要求去了新加坡吃了肉骨茶 它都说了啥 Ren Jialun went to Singapore to eat Bak Kut Teh in order to spoil the fans and promised the fans’ request. What did it say?

任嘉伦红配绿造型与李沁请君白衣异域风造型路透。 Ren Jialun's red and green styling and Li Qin invites you to white exotic styling Reuters