
任嘉伦微博动态与任嘉伦代言欧米伽手表相关的视频与图片集。A collection of videos and pictures related to Ren Jialun’s Weibo dynamics and Ren Jialun’s endorsement of Omega watches

那年21岁的任嘉伦微博。任嘉伦签名姿势照片,国超文集。At the age of 21, Ren Jia and Lun Weibo. Ren Jialun's signature posture photo, National Super League essays

任嘉伦直播花絮与周生如故剔骨拍摄花絮 Ren Jialun's live broadcast and Chow Sang's boning shooting

《与君初相识》海报集合,杀青照首曝光,持续更新中 A collection of posters of "Meeting with Jun Chu", the final photos are exposed for the first time, continue to be updated