The brokerage company owes nearly 10 million in tax. Will the tax debts of its artists, such as Ren Jialun and Cheng Yi, affect its artists?经纪公司欠税近千万,旗下艺人有任嘉伦,成毅等欠税会影响旗下艺人么?

 Family, this "Twilight Heart Date" Ren Jialun's school uniform style really fascinated me, it's really handsome, I say! ! ! It's like a dream high school senior

Anyone who hasn't watched Ren Jialun's school uniform Reuters I will be saddened! ! Let's just say that the whole atmosphere in the snow gave me a feeling! I'm already looking forward to this drama

On January 18, the issuing unit was the State Administration of Taxation, Chongqing Fuling District Water Affairs Bureau. The company's investigation shows that Huanrui Century United Co., Ltd. has added a new tax arrears announcement, the amount exceeds 9.77 million yuan, and the tax arrears is value-added tax

Tax arrears means that taxpayers and withholding agents fail to pay or underpay taxes beyond the tax payment period stipulated by collection laws and regulations or by tax authorities in accordance with tax laws and regulations. If the amount of tax in arrears is less than 10,000 yuan and a crime has not yet been constituted, the tax authority shall pursue the payment of the tax in arrears and the overdue fine, and impose a fine of not less than 50% but not more than 5 times the amount of tax in arrears.

Obviously, the company's investigation showed that Huanrui Century did not postpone the payment, but did not pay the tax due. Obviously, it did not get the permission of the tax department, so it may be fined.

If 9.77 million is imposed a 50% fine, it is 4.885 million yuan, totaling 14.655 million yuan. The late payment fine is calculated according to 5/10,000 of the amount of tax owed every day, and it is as high as 977 yuan per day, so this still has a great impact.

There are not many artists under Huanrui Century, and the pillars are only Ren Jialun, Cheng Yi, Zhang Yuxi, Ying Er, Hou Mengyao, Yuan Bingyan, Liu Xueyi, etc. More than ten, the 2022 CCTV Spring Festival Gala also let both Ren Jialun and Ying Er participate in the performance, consolidating the popularity of the artists . .

Netizens broke the news that Huanrui Century also invested in the movie "Changjin Lake". The investment of 18 million yuan was 1.8 million yuan. It is the 18 million yuan, or additional investment. It is unknown at present. The box office of the two films has reached as high as 8.744 billion yuan, surpassing the box office of the "Chinatown Detective" series and becoming the box office champion of the Chinese film history series.




欠税是指纳税人、扣缴义务人超过征收法律法规规定或税务机关依照税收法律、法规规定的纳税期限,未缴或少缴税款的行为。欠税数额不满1万元,尚未构成犯罪的,由税务机关追缴欠缴的税款、滞纳金,并处欠缴税款50%以上5 倍以下的罚款。




