任嘉伦指数破亿 他为何梦回周生辰 Ren Jialun's index exceeded 100 million, why did he dream of Zhou's birthday?

Ren Jialun's WeChat Index on the second Spring Festival Gala broke 100 million again! On February 1st, Ren Jialun's WeChat index was 126 million! Ren Jialun is really good at going out of the circle. As a fan, this Spring Festival is really fun! New year, new weather, good omen for the new year! The main character is really excellent, and if you want to be a fan, you can't keep a low profile.

, at last night's online audio-visual festival, Ren Jialun said, "I'm going to Xizhou", and suddenly I can't help it. Xizhou, who can't go back, is my king finally going back? 

Ren Jialun and Bai Lu starred in two works, "Zhou Sheng Ruo" and "One Life", which are impressive. This time, Ren Jialun "fits" with Zhou Shengchen, who is played by himself in "Chou Sheng Ruo".

During the broadcast of "Life Is Like Us", it became the most popular TV series on the whole network. The BE ending earned a lot of tears from viewers. However, the broadcast platform is set up ingeniously. After the broadcast of "Chou Sheng Rui", "One Life" will be launched directly. The seamless connection between the two TV series is rare.

When Ren Jialun sang the song, he "fitted" with Zhou Shengchen in the background picture. This high degree of fit between the actors and the characters is unforgettable.

Ren Jialun's soul wears Zhou's birthday, and the "Glory couple" also fit together at the audio-visual ceremony

At the scene of Ren Jialun's "Ruyi", it feels that it is both Zhou Shengchen and not Zhou Shengchen. Various images of Zhou Shengchen's past and present lives on the background wall, one after another, dreaming of Zhou Sheng, but the regret in Ren Jialun's eyes is more like him Looking back on the life of King Xiao Nanchen through this song, this song was sung by Ren Jialun to Zhou Shengchen. This kind of feeling is very wonderful. It is both immersed and stripped. It can make people empathize with him, surrender to the peerless elegance of King Xiao Nanchen, sigh how many people are like kings in the world, and let you clearly realize that Ren Jialun is Ren Jialun, Zhou The birthday is Zhou Shengchen, and Zhou Shengchen has become a page in his work folder. The next Ren Jialun will be Li Xicheng, Changyi, Lu Yan, Qilianshan, and more anticipated roles. Perhaps this is the charm of a good actor. He creates every character with his heart and achieves each other with the character, but he does not stop there. While you are still pondering, he has already made great strides forward. Then we, just follow in his footsteps, thousands of miles, also willing to run to you.

celebs say

Listening to Ren Jialun's song, I immediately immersed myself, thinking of King Nanchen lying drunk on the Bone Beach, guarding the territory of Beichen! Watching Ren Jialun's CCTV stage full of vitality, I look forward to the arrival of Big Orange, Changyi Baby, and Lu Yan, the God of War! I also wish Ren Jialun a successful filming of "Twilight Heart"

It's hard to forget King Xiao Nanchen. Yesterday, I watched the whole life and I didn't want to see King Nanchen. Today I watch Zhou Sheng as before, and I went to Xizhou to see King Xiao Nanchen. Can't see it

In my opinion

Ren Jialun is a man with responsibility, backbone, connotation, wisdom and good looks. Karen full of positive energy, liking him will make you feel that life is full of vitality. The versatile Karen, like him will satisfy your audiovisual enjoyment. The gentle and sunny Karen will feel warm and reassuring if you like him. Ren Jialun is a humble gentleman, as gentle as jade!












