《暮色心约》即将开机?|任嘉伦杨颖逛农贸市场!被称有烟火气?网友质疑任嘉伦杨颖身高一样高?"Twilight Heart Date" is about to start? | Ren Jialun and Yang Ying visit the farmers market! Is it said to have fireworks? Netizens question whether Ren Jialun and Yang Ying are the same height?

 Inadvertently, the drama "Twilight Heart Covenant" has been on for more than a week. Ren Jialun previously revealed that this year's Spring Festival should be on the crew, and it is very likely that he will get off work earlier on New Year's Eve and take a day off on the first day of the new year. Going to work.

The drama Twilight Heart Covenant can be regarded as Ren Jialun's first book in 2022. "Twilight Heart Date" will be launched tomorrow, adapted from Mijing Bianxiang's novel "Just Because Twilight Is Hard to Find", lineup: #renjialun[超话]##杨英[超话]# Starring, director and screenwriter Li Ang, the starring has entered in advance Read the script in groups. Due to the difficulty of shooting the original work, the plot has been changed. The male protagonist is a genius suspense novel writer and the female protagonist is a psychological consultant.

Ren Jialun and Yang Ying's "Twilight Heart Covenant", Ren Jialun starred in Qilianshan, a novel director who also works in the field of film and television works. Therefore, Ren Jialun not only played Qilianshan, but also needed to play the characters in Qilianshan's short story, which is also in the play. It is possible that in one episode, Ren Jialun needs to participate in many characters.

This drama is the first test for Ren Jialun, and has invested a lot of blood and sweat, and the heroine Liu Xia is played by Angelababy and is a psychologist. After Ren Jialun took over the drama, the baby also announced the funding for the drama not long ago. During the photo shoot, the two actors announced their reunion.

Regarding the filming of this drama in the Jiangsu area, since both of them are highly popular artists, there have been many fans watching the filming site. The crew also arrived in Wuxi these two days and chose a local farmers market to carry out harvesting. photo shoot.

Recently, it was revealed that Ren Jialun and Yang Ying visited the farmers market. Ren Jialun and the baby were weakly dressed. Before the announcement was made, Ren Jialun also wore his big padded jacket and held a warm baby sticker in his hand. It can be seen that the temperature on the spot was also very low. Netizens saw that Ren Jialun was as high as Yang Ying? During the recording of the program, I did a task with Ren Jialun. I didn’t expect that the two of them would be the same height when they stood together. Seeing that their heels are only 5/6 cm, they are worthy of being a model.

The issue of Ren Jialun's styling design is undoubtedly not as simple as Reuters looks. There are many characters, and the styling design is of course magical. The scene of the farmers market looks full of fireworks. I quite hope that Ren Jialun will be like this. of the play.

Regarding Yang Ying, in the past few years, the baby's performance has improved somewhat. What's more, Ren Jialun has information content for the whole drama, so we may give the crew a lot of indoor space, so that the main creative staff can play better .

What do you want to say about Ren Jialun and Yang Ying? You can leave a message below the video and tell the editor.


暮色心约》这一部剧算得上任嘉伦2022年第一部著作。《暮色心约》明天即将开机,御井烹香 小说《只因暮色难寻》改编,阵容:#任嘉伦[超话]##杨颖[超话]#主演,李昂导演和编剧,主演已提前进组围读剧本。因原著拍摄难度较大,剧情有所改动,其中男主是天才悬疑小说作家、女主是心理咨询师



关于这部剧的取景 在江苏一带,由于位全是高人气值艺人,因此拍摄现场也一直有很多粉丝们去收看,剧组这两天也是赶到了无锡,选了本地的一个农贸市场开展采景拍照。



关于杨颖, 这些年过去,baby的表演是多少有一些进步,更何况任嘉伦针对整部剧都具有信息内容,因此我们或是要给剧组大量的室内空间,好让主创人员们更好地发挥。

