任嘉伦工作室倡导书。 你怎么看 Ren Jialun's studio advocacy book. What do you think.

Judging from the proposal issued by Ren Jialun's studio, the fan slogan of "closer to the work, farther away from life" has gradually become a decoration, and what is even more frightening is that there are inner volumes: very few fans shouted rationally chasing stars , while busy "following", not to mention leaving private space for the actors, he may even rush up regardless of all rules and regulations, just to show off a photo that is very likely to be high-definition I have had close contact with idols. What is the significance of such a move? Adding blockage to the society and chaos to idols, so star chasing is not more crazy than anyone else, but someone who is more able to keep flowing , has seriously affected the normal shooting of the crew and the normal work and life of Mr. Ren Jialun, and also caused interference to the public safety environment. In this regard, the studio hereby appeals: During the epidemic, safety comes first, please maintain a safe distance, respect each other, chase stars rationally, and do not touch the bottom line of public order. 1. During the epidemic, safety is the most important! Please consciously abide by the requirements of epidemic prevention, strengthen protection, and reduce gatherings; 2. Observe the safety order in public places, do not gather and block in public places, and prevent uncivilized behavior; 3. Rationally chase stars, keep distance, and do not disturb the normal work and In private life, all dangerous behaviors such as following cars, chasing cars, breaking car windows, etc. are strictly prohibited; 4. Do not interfere with the normal shooting work of the crew and other on-site staff; Information and itinerary. Thank you for your attention and love to Mr. Ren Jialun. I hope you will follow the stars rationally, respect each other, abide by the relevant epidemic prevention requirements, and protect yourself. Mr. Ren Jialun will also give back to the public through serious work and high-quality works
从任嘉伦工作室发表倡议书的事情上看,“离作品近一点,离生活远一点”的粉丝口号已经逐渐变成了摆设,更可怕的是还有内卷:极个别粉丝一边嚷嚷着理智追星,一边又忙不迭的“跟踪”,别说给演员留私人空间了,上头的时候甚至可能不顾一切规章制度和条例的往上冲,就为了搞一张极有可能是高糊的照片,炫耀一下自己曾近距离接触过爱豆,这样的举动,意义何在呢?给社会添堵,给爱豆添乱,所以追星并非比谁更疯狂,而应该比的是谁更能细水长流    近日,任嘉伦先生在剧组拍摄期间,频繁遭遇代拍、跟拍及围堵等不良行为的侵扰,已经严重影响到了剧组的正常拍摄和任嘉伦先生的正常工作、生活,亦对公共安全环境造成了干扰。对此,工作室在此呼吁:疫情期间,安全第一,请保持安全距离,相互尊重,理性追星,切勿触及公共秩序的底线。  1、疫情期间,安全为重!请大家自觉遵守防疫要求,加强防护,减少聚集;  2、遵守公共场合安全秩序,请勿在公共场合聚集围堵,杜绝不文明行为;  3、理性追星,保持距离,不要打扰艺人的正常工作和私人生活,严禁跟车、追车、扒车窗等一切危险行为;  4、请勿干扰剧组及其他现场工作人员的正常拍摄工作;  5、坚决抵制一切非正规途径的拍摄,严禁贩卖、泄露私人信息和行程。  感谢大家对任嘉伦先生的关注与喜爱,希望大家理性追星,相互尊重,遵守相关防疫要求,做好自身防护。任嘉伦先生也将通过认真工作与优质作品来回馈大众

