任嘉伦直播间爆笑模仿李佳琦,他直播间都居然爆出自己帅气的原因,,,嘉人们送他啥称号 Ren Jialun hilariously imitated Li Jiaqi in the live broadcast room. He even revealed the reason why he is handsome in the live broadcast room.


任嘉伦李佳琦直播# 全程cut(24分钟) 任嘉伦有很多帽衫 李佳琦说国超的声音也很大,中气很足 爆笑模仿李佳琦,OMG买它买它 看到自己的人形立牌也想拿走 2022年的祝福:身体健康、平平安安,任嘉伦骨子里就是喜剧人一枚啊!没错,虽然已经进组《暮色心约》,但适逢过年前,任嘉伦还是频频出席了不少代言商的活动,像是出现在李佳琦直播间啦!  提到李佳琦,都知道在他直播间很高分贝,但我们国超一点也不怯场,和李佳琦一唱一和配合,不但非常会用“哇”的语气,

连李佳琦的经典名句「OMG!买它买它」都模仿得惟妙惟肖!    提到自己的穿衣原则,任嘉伦表示最喜欢的衣服单品是帽衫和卫衣,因为觉得舒服又好搭,而且没带帽子时可以直接套头上。但他也透露自己不喜欢穿高领毛衣,因为自己的皮肤比较敏感,

穿高领的话,脖子两边的皮肤容易变红。  最重要的是,穿高领毛衣的话,会显不出下颌线啦! ! !国超表示每次穿上高领毛衣,就会容易产生自己的努力没有成果的感觉,  任嘉伦喜欢的衣服颜色,首选黑白灰,但其实自己从小就十分喜欢大红色,就连运动服也会选红色,甚至不过年也会穿红色衣服。如果提到选羽绒服,则会喜欢黑色。让人惊讶的是,

原来他喜欢穿西装,只不过生活中很难穿到。  当被李佳琦反问会不会太吵了的时候,很温柔的表示:「没有没有,最近在演编剧,要观察不同的人物,正好感受不同的氛围和环境。」果然,祁连山是沉浸式演戏,狠狠期待这角色了啊  不得不说,任嘉伦果然是带货小能手,李佳琦一提到自己身上穿的衣服,下一秒就自动扒开来让大家看清楚难怪带货成绩这么好啊!  2022。1.8下班

Ren Jialun Li Jiaqi Live # Full cut (24 minutes) Ren Jialun has a lot of hoodies. Li Jiaqi said that the voice of the National Super League is also very loud, and he is full of energy. He imitates Li Jiaqi with hilarious laughter. OMG bought it and bought it. New Year's Blessing: In good health and peace, Ren Jialun is a comedian in his bones! That's right, although he has already entered the group "Twilight Heart Appointment", but just before the New Year, Ren Jialun still frequently attended many activities of endorsers, like appearing in Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room! When it comes to Li Jiaqi, we all know that the decibel is very high in his live broadcast room, but our National Super League has no stage fright at all. We can sing and cooperate with Li Jiaqi, not only can we use the tone of "wow" very well, even Li Jiaqi's classic sentence "OMG! Buy it and buy it "All imitated vividly! When it comes to his dressing principles, Ren Jialun said that his favorite items of clothing are hoodies and sweaters, because they feel comfortable and easy to wear, and they can be put on directly without a hat. But he also revealed that he doesn't like to wear turtleneck sweaters, because his skin is more sensitive. 

If you wear a turtleneck, the skin on both sides of the neck will easily turn red. The most important thing is that if you wear a turtleneck sweater, you will not show your jaw line! ! ! Guochao said that every time he wears a turtleneck sweater, it is easy to feel that his efforts are not fruitful. Ren Jialun's favorite color of clothes is black, white and gray, but in fact, he has liked red very much since he was a child, and even sports clothes will be chosen. Red, even in the new year, will wear red clothes. When it comes to choosing down jackets, I like black. Surprisingly, it turns out that he likes to wear suits, but it is difficult to wear them in life. When asked by Li Jiaqi if it would be too noisy, he said very gently: "No, no, I'm working as a screenwriter recently. I have to observe different characters, just feel different atmospheres and environments." Sure enough, Qi Lianshan is an immersive acting. I'm looking forward to this role. I have to say that Ren Jialun is really a small expert in carrying goods. When Li Jiaqi mentioned the clothes he was wearing, he automatically opened it up in the next second to let everyone see clearly. No wonder the results of carrying goods are so good! 2022. 1.8 off work
