任嘉伦文集部分集合 Collection of Ren Jialun's Collected Works














11:现在什么也不想说,只想默默的,安安静静的付出,不求回报。  只希望亲爱的你能够开开心心,记得曾经有我就好。白话的文字,不一一样的心情。














①I always have one: the day will reach the peak of my desire!

This may be a way to encourage yourself!

I will work hard to the point where you are dumbfounded! My future is in my own hands. All choices are my own choices!

②Maybe I can only walk alone, don't expect someone to rush out suddenly, maybe I only have one thing to do, which is to give back to my parents!

③The glory is not mine now but it will be mine someday

④Sometimes, we like a person, not only like the person in front of us, but also the beautiful part of him that hasn't grown up. Go your own way and let others talk dry. I have been working hard, not for others, only for myself.

⑤I want others to envy my achievements, make those who laugh at me jealous and make those who give up me regret

⑥I now need more people’s recognition to improve my confidence, so I am not satisfied with what Liu Wei said: After training, everyone will become an artist, but only a few become stars. All I have to do is Others like fighting spirits.

⑦Go your own way and let others talk about it! Humph you envy it: Even if no one clicks on me, as long as my parents are around, I will be very satisfied. I want to make myself stronger and better! Come on! Even if I am alone, I must be a lonely prince! I must not bow my head. Who calls me RGC?

⑧There are some things, no one will understand me. Some things, no one will forgive me for some things, no one will accept me. This is the world of RGC. The world you don’t understand is the world of me alone.

⑨ When others are playing, I work hard. When others work hard, I work hard. When others regret it, I continue to work hard. So I don't regret it

⑩I still have to make time, because I want to fulfill my dream and I don't want to regret it. This will definitely lose a lot but I am used to it. After all, my life has been so hard from beginning to end. If I don’t fall, I must rush forward until...

11: Now I don't want to say anything, I just want to give quietly and quietly, without asking for anything in return. I just hope you can be happy, dear, just remember to have me. Vernacular words, different moods.

12: No matter what, I will try my best to do it. For many things now, I am very helpless, and there are too many things that I can't control.

13: Now I can only rely on myself! Watching the video by myself, searching by myself, and groping by myself, although very tired, but. . . I do!

14: As long as you don't have confidence in doing anything, it is equal to ending RGC! Get your spirits up! No matter how chaotic your side is now, you must keep raising your head and looking at the sky, God is smiling at me.

15: Now I have to go alone and work hard by myself! I walk slowly by myself and I want to let go|All the extra thoughts are going to work on my future, don’t think about the useless, don’t do the useless

16: Now, everything I pay is for myself. Although I am walking slowly alone! There are many stumbling blocks. Don't want to stop me!

17: This year, I have to work hard. While working, I have to take into account my ideals and attack Korean|Language. Come on, everyone! The prince is brewing, and the prince will return in the near future.

18: The so-called legend is just the hope of others. Don't be afraid of anything. Even if you are not expected, you must work hard.

19: As long as you like to do things, on the premise that you have a clear understanding of the reality and yourself, if you want to go on, you must go down persistently. Don't give up in the middle. People will live forever. You want to do it. Just do it, you will regret it if you don't want to do it.

20: Life never owes someone deliberately, it gives you a shadow, and it will cast sunlight not far away.

21: The ones who should be respected most are those who have dreams, have been persisting, have not realized, but he has not given up. If you really have your own dreams, you must stick to it. If you are tired, you can come to me and I will walk with you.

22: Whether it is acting or singing, it is a stage. I think I am a person who belongs to the stage by nature, so no matter which stage I am, I will be very happy to step on to perform.

23: Maybe one day, you find that the day is particularly difficult, it may be that the harvest this time will be particularly great.

Jialun: Don’t like me because of one piece of work, but give up on me because of the latter
