What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

In fact, when Chaoyang procurator announced news of the Wu Yifan's arrest, I believe majority of the netizens were not surprised. Because when the police announced the criminal detention, it showed that they had sufficient evidence. After all, he is a public figure and a foreigner. He must be cautious in criminal detention.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

In the entertainment industry, once an artist becomes famous, it seems that there is a certain aura on his head, which is "perfect" in the eyes of fans. In fact, no matter how big a star is, no one is perfect after all.

All along, the stars in the entertainment industry have some unknown things, even ugly things, and even have been arrested for suspected crimes. Today, let's take stock of the 10 stars who have been arrested or punished.

01. Gao Yunxiang was arrested on suspicion of rape and lost his freedom for more than 3 months. He was finally acquitted

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

On March 26, 2018, the TV series Anaya love was killed in Australia. All the main creators of the crew, including the male star Gao Yunxiang, met to drink and celebrate the killing. At this time, Gao Yunxiang could not imagine that he and producer Wang Jing would be arrested three days later and dragged into a two-year legal career.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

On March 29, a Chinese female TV producer, accompanied by her family, reported to the Australian police that she had been sexually assaulted by Gao Yunxiang and Wang Jing in a hotel in Sydney on the evening of March 26. Subsequently, the police arrested the two men on suspicion of sexual assault. Gao Yunxiang's wife Dong Xuan rushed to Sydney from home to support her husband for the first time. To express trust, he said on the social platform: "sorry to worry everyone, I believe him!"

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

On April 10, 2018, the case opened for the first time. Because there was only one female client and two defendants in the room at the time of the crime, her testimony was very important. Her testimony was very unfavorable to Gao Yunxiang, so that Gao Yunxiang was refused bail, and his reputation in China fell to the bottom for a time.

Then Dong Xuan's family moved to Australia. After nearly three months of dealing with the court, she finally let Gao Yunxiang leave the prison on July 5 after paying a huge bail of a $3 million (about 14.65 million yuan), but she still had to abide by many restrictions on freedom, such as not leaving the country and wearing electronic monitoring equipment. From arrest to bail, Gao Yunxiang lost his freedom for more than three months.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

On January 25, 2019, the case was heard again, and Gao Yunxiang was charged with seven charges by the prosecution, including serious indecency, collusion with serious sexual assault, deprivation of personal freedom, etc., with a maximum sentence of up to life. Faced with several charges, Gao Yunxiang refused to plead guilty and said that both were innocent, and the case fell into a state of anxiety.

Nine months later, the final trial was launched on December 4. Since then, the testimony of the woman and her husband has been unable to justify itself for many times, and the words "don't know, forget, don't remember" are often used, which has aroused the doubt of the court.

On February 24 of the following year, the case was retried for 18 days before the process of the incident was restored. The omission and lying in many places in the witness testimony finally made the case clear. Finally, on March 19, 2020, the judge acquitted Gao Yunxiang and Wang Jing, and they regained their freedom.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

Although more than a year has passed since the incident, the blow to Gao Yunxiang's career is undoubtedly devastating. Not only did the couple's work completely shut down, their company and personal accounts were frozen, and all their TV dramas and films were stopped. At the same time, it also faces claims from a large number of brands. Perhaps in order to avoid risks and minimize the loss of the couple, they also choose to divorce. After returning home, Gao Yunxiang still has a large number of commercial lawsuits waiting for him to deal with.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

Recently, Gao Yunxiang ushered in his 39th birthday. He baked a blue birthday cake on the social platform. It said: take your time, we'll have a long time.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

In a word, Gao Yunxiang's reputation and image have plummeted, but fortunately, at the age of 40, there is not no chance for actors. I hope Gao Yunxiang can be down-to-earth and get better and better.

02. Zang Tianshuo was arrested on suspicion of gathering people to fight and sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 6 years

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

All friends who have been to KTV must have sung or listened to the song "friends, friends, have you ever thought of me?"

On August 28, 2008, Zang Tianshuo, the creator and singer of this song, was arrested on suspicion of gathering people to fight, and then transferred to the procuratorial organ.

The public prosecution charged that the defendant Zang Tianshuo and sun jointly operated a "friend" Di bar in the pedestrian street of Langfang City, Hebei Province in October 2002, and hired the defendant LV as the general manager of the di bar at the end of 2002. After the economic dispute between Zang and sun, sun withdrew from the operation and transferred his shares to others in January 2003.

On the evening of June 20, 2003, sun led many people to the "friend" Di bar on the grounds of asking for share transfer money, and agreed to meet with LV. Subsequently, LV went to the "play" bar operated by the defendant Zang Tianshuo to discuss with Zang, and at his instigation, gathered nearly 100 people to the railway station square of Langfang City, Hebei Province to have a mechanical fight with more than 20 people such as sun, resulting in one death and many injuries. The public prosecution believes that under the instigation of Zang Tianshuo, LV organized, instructed and led nearly half a hundred people to fight with arms in public places, which had a bad social impact and ignored the national law. Both of them are ringleaders with clear criminal facts and sufficient evidence. They should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of affray.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

On the morning of January 29, 2010, the Beijing higher court rejected Zang Tianshuo's appeal, upheld the judgment of first instance, and sentenced Zang Tianshuo to six years' imprisonment for the crime of affray. Zang Tianshuo was arrested on August 28, 2008 and has been detained in the detention center for a full year and five months. After these times are converted into his sentence, Zang Tianshuo will serve four years and seven months in prison. Since the final judgment came into effect directly after the judgment was pronounced, Zang Tianshuo officially began his iron window career from the same day and transferred from the detention center to the prison to serve his sentence.

Zang Tianshuo was released on parole on February 17, 2013 due to his good performance in prison. Zang Tianshuo began to perform a comeback concert and held a national tour launch ceremony with the theme of "ideal does not fall, the future is long" after the formal end of his sentence. And has participated in many performances.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

But how many days to come can't equal the impermanence of the world in the end. In the early morning of September 28, 2018, Zang Tianshuo, who had just been free for more than four years, died of ineffective treatment for liver cancer. He was only 54 years old.

03. Liu Xiaoqing was arrested on suspicion of tax evasion and detained for more than one year

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

On July 24, 2002, actor Liu Xiaoqing was arrested by the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate on suspicion of tax evasion.

After investigation by the tax authorities, Liu Xiaoqing and his Beijing Xiaoqing culture and Art Co., Ltd. and Beijing Liu Xiaoqing Industrial Development Co., Ltd. have evaded taxes through various channels since 1996. Tax evasion of 14.583 million yuan was mainly achieved by means of not listing, understating income, overstating expenditure, false declaration, notifying declaration but refusing to declare. Plus the overdue fine of 5.734 million yuan, about 20 million tax arrears. The account number of Liu Xiaoqing company has been sealed up, and all the bank deposits of 1.96 million yuan have been paid.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

Liu Xiaoqing was detained for more than a year for 422 days. During this period, actor Jiang Wen ran around for Liu Xiaoqing in order to give back her support for making movies. With the help of Jiang Wen, Liu Xiaoqing was able to restore his freedom on August 16, 2003. Liu Xiaoqing took the initiative to pay back the tax to the tax department after obtaining a guarantor pending trial, and was not sentenced.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

At the age of 47, the film queen started from scratch, no matter what role it was, as long as it was paid. Xie Jin, the director of the film "Furong Town", asked her to play the heroine of the drama "gorgeous". Then he slowly resumed his acting career and gradually reached the peak again.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

At the age of 58, Liu Xiaoqing responded: "don't forget that we have the responsibility to show the beauty of life, which is the dignity of a woman's life.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

The profile on the 71 year old Liu Xiaoqing's social account is: admire the world and praise its own age. In her cognition, women have never been accessories, at least she is not Liu Xiaoqing. Recently, she played grandma in the popular drama "North frog and South Pole" directed by Feng Xiaogang.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

04. Gao Xiaosong was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and sentenced to criminal detention for 6 months

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

At 10:50 p.m. on May 9, 2011, musician Gao Xiaosong drove in Dongcheng District and hit the rear of the front car, resulting in four car collisions and four minor injuries. According to the blood test results of the police, Gao Xiaosong was taken away by the police on suspicion of drunk driving.

At about 4 p.m. on May 10, Gao Xiaosong left the traffic detachment of Dongcheng District in Beijing and was transferred to the detention center of Dongcheng District public security branch by police car. Gao Xiaosong was officially arrested for "suspected of dangerous driving". On the afternoon of May 17, Gao Xiaosong's drunk driving case was heard in Dongcheng District Court of Beijing.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

Gao Xiaosong himself said that all the facts exist, and I don't want to avoid anything. He had a good attitude and fully pleaded guilty. He also said that "drinking makes you dizzy and takes me as a warning". Finally, Gao Xiaosong was sentenced to criminal detention for six months and fined 4000 yuan for "dangerous driving".

It is reported that criminal detention refers to the punishment of depriving prisoners of their personal freedom for a short time, detaining them nearby and forced labor. The term of criminal detention shall be not less than one month but not more than six months.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

Because Gao Xiaosong has a very good attitude of pleading guilty, and his guilt is relatively light. The end of his detention did not affect his career development. He did not delay making movies, writing songs and going to variety shows.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

On June 15, 2012, he joined Evergrande music company with his senior brother song Ke as the director music director. On July 15, 2015, Alibaba Group announced the establishment of Alibaba music group, and Gao Xiaosong joined Alibaba music as chairman. In 2016, he served as the chairman of Alibaba entertainment strategy committee, and his career has been rising.

However, in March 2021, Gao Xiaosong announced his withdrawal from the post of director of Beijing Alibaba Music Technology Co., Ltd.

05. Fang Zuming was arrested on suspicion of sheltering others to take drugs and sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 6 months

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

On August 18, 2014, Ke Zhendong and Jaycee Chan were arrested in Beijing on suspicion of taking drugs. The police found more than 100 grams of marijuana in his residence. After that, the media exposed that Jaycee Chan had a history of taking drugs for 8 years, and the first place of taking drugs was in the Netherlands.

On September 17, the Dongcheng District People's Procuratorate of Beijing approved the arrest of Fang Zuming on suspicion of allowing others to take drugs. On December 22, the Dongcheng District People's Procuratorate of Beijing prosecuted Fang Zuming on the crime of allowing others to take drugs. On January 9, 2015, Beijing Dongcheng District People's court sentenced Fang Zuming to six months' imprisonment and fined 2000 yuan.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

On February 13, 2015, Fang Zuming was released after serving his sentence.

Because of his youth and ignorance, the impression of Jaycee Chan in everyone's mind was suddenly destroyed. Released from prison, he was forced out of the entertainment industry and could no longer appear in front of the screen. There was no news for a long time. But there is always a good father. As the son of Jackie Chan, although he can't get involved in the performing arts business, he served as the director of Richard Mille, a Swiss watch brand, and became a real president. There is no shortage of contacts and friends!

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

06. Gu Tianle was arrested by Hong Kong Police on suspicion of robbery and served 22 months in prison

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

Stills of the film "drug war"

You may never think that Koo Tsai, President of the Hong Kong Performing Artists Association and known as the "model worker" in the actor industry, has also served his sentence?

In November 1990, 20-year-old Gu Tianle mistakenly made bad friends and was convicted by the court and sentenced to 22 months in prison.

In his autobiography "seeking happiness" published in 2002, he said:

At that time, I was 20 years old. I was young and had a bright future, but I only knew to go out and play every day. I was surrounded by a group of friends who didn't do their jobs. It didn't take long to get into trouble. At that time, I was willing to bear everything in order to speak of righteousness, but in exchange for robbing a woman, I became a robber in the eyes and ears of others.

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

Gu Tianle bravely admitted his past mistakes and said: This is the biggest stain in my life, which has lost me two years of freedom. Perhaps it is true repentance that Gu Zi has made a lot of changes to himself and achieved Gu Tianle now. As we all know, Koo Tsai is not only at the peak of his performing arts career, but also focused on philanthropy and served as the president of the Hong Kong Performing Artists Association.

07. Liang Jiahui was suspected of drunk driving and was sentenced to 2 months' imprisonment with 3 years' probation

What is the status of the 10 arrested entertainment stars? The longest sentence was six years and the shortest was 240 hours

If you can't imagine that Gu Zi is also serving his sentence, then you can't imagine that the famous film emperor Liang Jiahui has also been punished twice for drunk driving!

The first time was in the early morning of one day in November 2002, a traffic accident occurred in the streets of Hong Kong. A BMW sports car crashed into a double deck bus. The police conducted an alcohol test on Liang Jiahui. At that time, the punishment for drunk driving was far less severe than now. Only Liang Jiahui was fined 12000 yuan and revoked
