任嘉伦厉害了,八月11个平台都在播他的剧,这是实火的节奏 Ren Jialun is great. His plays are broadcast on 11 platforms in August. This is the rhythm of real fire


In recent days, the news of all kinds of new dramas has been coming out, but the news of "Chang'an as before", which Ren Jialun's fans are most looking forward to, has not been fixed. For a time, melon owners all over the world have put forward the news that "Chang'an as before" will be delayed.

众说纷纭,甚至“长安如故什么时候播出”还有了词条 ,上了热搜。可见该剧有多么的让人期待,毕竟八月是暑期档,大家有时间有精力追剧。

Opinions vary, and even "when will Chang'an continue to broadcast" has an entry, which has been hot searched. It can be seen how much people look forward to the play. After all, August is a summer vacation. We have time and energy to pursue the play.


But here's a friendly reminder. Don't worry too much. What should come will come. The production and broadcasting of a play is not as simple as outsiders think. I believe the producers and platforms have their own considerations.


Liu Weiwei, the actor of the play, wrote that his lines have been recorded three times, and I don't know when to broadcast them.


Thus, in order to pass the trial, the play will face various changes, which can not be completed overnight.


The platform has made it clear that it will be broadcast this year. So we waited patiently. I believe we will present the best works to you.


Most importantly, although the new drama has not been broadcast, the old drama before Ren Jialun blooms everywhere and is broadcast at home and abroad. According to statistics, his plays were broadcast on 11 platforms in August.


I can't see the new play. It's also excellent to revisit the old play.


The popular representative works of Ren Jialun, such as under the Royal robe, autumn cicada, legend of the White Snake, white head at dusk and di Renjie in the sky, are all popular on major platforms. There is always one you want to aftertaste and see again.


From this point of view, Ren Jialun's film and television dramas are guaranteed whether it is a domestic platform or a foreign platform. This makes people look at his strength with new eyes.


It is really rare that Ren Jialun has made so many well-known film and television dramas in only seven years. In the past seven years, he firmly grasped every opportunity with his own efforts and diligence.


Many people say that he has today's achievements. In the entertainment circle with a large number of talents, he only depends on luck.


This is true. Everyone needs luck to do things, but the important thing is, when luck comes, do you have the ability to grasp it? If you have no ability, no vision, no courage to hold such luck.


Then even if you come, you will escape quietly.


Of course, his career has not been smooth in the past seven years, which can be said to be full of twists and turns. Without resources and background, it is not easy for him to take every step.


He has experienced silence. Although there is a small fire, because the follow-up resources are weak, the plays he made are pressed and broadcast. The pressed and broadcast plays are a very cruel thing for actors. His hard work can not see the day, and the entertainment industry is a highly competitive place. Without the continuous output of new works, they will soon be forgotten by the market.


Fortunately, the popularity of "under the royal coat" made Ren Jialun appear in the public's sight again. Even his real name Ren Guochao continued to ferment on the Internet, leading everyone to hesitate when they heard Ren Jialun. As soon as they heard Ren Guochao, they knew who he was, which showed his degree of going out of the circle.


With today's achievements, he still dare not relax and earnestly do his own work.


He should have engraved this sentence in his bones.


Although there is no news of Chang'an in August, there are so many old dramas to watch, which can still accompany you to spend a beautiful summer vacation.


Eating watermelon, drinking cold drinks and watching your favorite TV series at home is a great thing in the world.


It's great to still have Ren Jialun's film and television drama in August!


Which of Ren Jialun's plays do you like best?


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